black trenchcoats and cat shoes

She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellow'd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I love when you think you'll get some sleep at a certain time but instead end up staying up 30 mins to an hour longer then expected.

Last night as I was watching the Halo 2 special on tech tv while saying my good nights to Dan. Suddenly, a pixelated brown chicken footed creature spewing green goo came onto the screen. "Holy crap its pathways!" I screamed, problably damaging Dan's eardrum. But yes pathways ,I found out, happend to revolutionize first person shooters and bla di bla. All I remember are those december nights up till 2am watching Dan play and laughing at the noises the headless make when you hit them. It was indeed a nice little memory. All that pixelated violence and bad sound effects made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...or was that the impending doom...*shrugs*.

Will anyone laugh when you die?
Favourite Color
You will die from a fatal wound sustained by an errant spork.
You will not even see it coming
Your obituary will read, "No memorial services will be held because no one liked that &^$$#er, anyway
Will anyone miss you? Your significan other will notice that the garbage hasn't been taken out or that no one has done the dishes. I mean, whatever.
Most importantly, will anyone laugh because you died? Of COURSE not! Your family members will be too busy spending your money to laugh.
This Quiz by opre_roma - Taken 4359 Times.
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Tuesday, November 09, 2004

soooooo sickly...:P

I havent really felt like moving any where today because I feel like crap. my throat is sore, my head is fuzzy and I feel warm (i dont know if i have a temperature though). Halo 2 is out and let me say.....WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HA! Lets hope this time i get the camera control down so I can fucking target. "Your mom" shall live on in great revelry...or die shortly from a rocket up the arse!

Dan's been buggin about how I don't flaunt how good of a lover he is to all my friends. I mean I admit, If I kept telling every one how his penis is enourmous and that I've never done the nasty with him and not gotten over 20 orgasims (or had one single on for 20 minuits) I think girls would start trying to hit on him. Admittingly, I am an extremely jelous lover and a chick hitting on my man makes nina want to smash...and in that situation I will smash, or make them relise how fugly they are, etc. etc. A note to my silly....just protecting my goods love ^~ (with all those chicks eyeing you at club I can't help but get defensive :P)

In other news....I have the world of warcraft beta and I am uber hooked!xD
IF you see a night elf rouge running around named Arashi, bug me, steal my kills and I'll flip out on you, or just give me items and silver peices :D.

What Kind of Kiss Are You? (for guys & girls)

brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, November 08, 2004

ok a word to all you out there.

If you are depressed and begin bitching about some problem that you yourself can fix by simply speaking up, or confronting the person making the problem instead of sitting typing to me about how sad and annoyed you are, dont talk to me. I will rip you apart and there will be a possibility of me blocking you mainly because I think of you as a weak minded pansy and will tell you to grow balls and deal with the situation like a grown adult. You've been warned ^^.

I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by peacefulchaos!

Sunday, November 07, 2004

I cannot stand acrilics!!!!

I hate them with a firey passion. They don't look good, they dry to quickly, and their a bitch to handle in general!GAH!What makes it even worse is the fact we have to paint on paper....this is even more of a bitch. I rather paint on primed masonite or even canvas board...grr. But yea I rather shove a pineapple up my ass then paint with this shit.

In other news...Well there isn't any other news fit to print besides ben's quest for this chick. From what he's been telling me it's like pepe le pue and the cat. You think after a year and a half of crushing on her...even a few months and being blatant about it and buying shit for the person she may have gone for him. Well the simple answer is either she's an absolute moron or she has no interest in him whatsoever. His excuse was that he just told her how he felt today. Dude, you baught her flowers, neclaces, etc....DRUH! Even me, the one who blocks out all forms of flirtation, would have gotten the hint after a month. But lets see what happens (I still say all this stupidity is not worth it for one single girl who doesnt even live close, or show any interest).

her pleasure

What type of condom are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

(So this true?^~)