If I only had working air conditioning and a non broken radio in my car I would be Loving this weather.
Classes are absolutely amazing.
Japanese 101 is awsome. I'm in a class with mostly anime fans and a few people who have been to Japan. Today we went over asking about items and pricing items. She gave us a few cards with pictures and prices of items with the hirigana and kirigana spelling on the back. Me and my partner noticed an unreconizable picture of a grey and black box with a knob on the top. Me, watching too many Japanese game shows decided to name it the SUPER BOXERU GENKKI (super box 500)! The class giggled, and the teacher told us it was a humidifyer. Durring break a girl went up to the board and wrote the entire sailor moon battle cry (in the name of the moon bla bla bla). I went up and drew an extremly silly looking stick figure resembling sailor moon.
I wonder if it will still be there tommorow.....
Art history is great. My Ren art teacher is absolutely unorganized and also a pack rat. She never throws things out...and I can quote her on this. Besides the unorginization and the copys of badly typed documents she is an absolutely wonderful, sweet old lady. Im a little concerned though. She wasnt in today and didnt leave a note for the sub. She had mentioned some tests the hospital wanted her to go through and she had been talking about how it was her time to pass on the future to the younger generation. Its just really ironic that after saying something like that she's suddenly out. I hope she's ok.
Dan's been busyer then ever. I miss relaxing in our underwear while his mom was gone or sleeping squished together in his tiney bed. That was a really fun 2 weeks. Also we havent actually been able to have sex in a few days cause we've both been too god damn tired or just unable too because we've been at his house lol. So this is how married couples live?
Andrew opend up his pool last week and so far I've been in it twice. I wish we still had ours so we could switch on and off. Dan is opening his up but it needs vaccuming and to be shocked more.
Splinter has gotten huge. I had to take one of mom's old bird nesting boxes and replace his old bed with that. He's gotten a little too big to fit in my shirt and prefers to sit on my shoulder and groom my hair. He's still a little skiddish of my dad. He approaches him too fast though. Also he isnt in here as much as I am (still he doesnt understand why the rat doesnt respond to him the same way he does to me or mom).
All my orchids are blooming, I need new sheets for my bed, I still cant find a fucking job, I am starting on my areis cos and my ren art paper this weekend while still trying to keep myself sane amidst my parents hounding me about money and me getting a job. Mom doesnt seem to relise that seeing some one unfree for a good amount of the week is completely unattractive. W/e, maybe I'll apply for a job at the fabric mill when I look for fabric for my areis cos.
Part Expert Kisser |
![]() You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable |
Part Freaky Kisser |
![]() When you kiss, you want to experience something new A new technique, a new partner, a new piercing... And your own personal kissing style is very unpredictable There's no saying where your tongue or hands will go |