black trenchcoats and cat shoes

She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellow'd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

Friday, September 21, 2001

Kon wa minna san!
Twas another regular day.Went outside to escape the wrath of the evil math teacher,didnt pay attention in math or spanish (drew some awsome dragons...I think I'll scan em...if I have time),spent Global complaining about my sore muscles (I went to the gym yesterday),Jess listened to her cd player in art,Chris hailed my cat shoes (yes I have cats on my shoes!),Herb tryed to push me down the stair-well,Phil talked abotu a concert hes going to,and I felt bad for not saying hi to a teacher (I appologised to him later and we had a good laugh over my little appologie!),and that was my friday...there's still later though!!:D
Twas a nifty day.I relised somet thing...They say that between the hours of 3am to 7am are the times that ppl are the happyest...This apparently does not account my sister.She "threatened" to beat me up thi smorning for trying to wake her up ...pardon me for a second...*opens up a window,laughs hysterically and closes it*...I'd like to see her try that little skinny fart! Ne way moveing along,I relised that Im the least talkative when Im not awake (1st and 2nd period) and those are teh two classes that I'd really like to talk through.First period and second period are when Im in class w/ Phil,unfortunetly Im not awake and usually ackie and I basically act like I have a hang over at those times so we hardly ever talk (which sucks cause Phil rocks,at least thats what I hear from ppl that know him well).I also relised that freshmen now make up 99% of the ppl on my bus and also are the cause of the giant blocks in the hall (go figure).
In conclusion I want to bitch and moan about the lunch room...yes..if you cant stand my bitching and moaning then scroll down and shut up...this is my blog so shove it up your arse!Ok first off you have at least over 1,000 kids in a two floor school that is not even as large as a football feild and you have one line for lunch....1 fucking line!And to top that off if you stood between the counter and the wall you could touch the wall and the other words we have an Italian ally sliced in half with a railing for a lunch line that's supposed to let people get to the cash register and out without a problem.Another thing that pisses me off is the vending machines.They turn them off during lunch so if you dont want to wait on the long ass lunch line or the extremely long snack line then your fucked!
There...I'm done bitching and moaning.Now Im going to go and listen to Ewen McGregor sing Come What May (Moulin Rouge rocks!!!!XD).Now I'll leave you with your word of wisdom:
"It's not a ferrit!Its an ERMINE!"

Thursday, September 20, 2001

oh and did I mention I am now afraid of the sound of planes?Yup thats right...every time I hear one my heart skips.Unfortunetly I have to go on one in November so thats just dandy...

Ello every 1!
Today was a typical school day...Me and my friends got yelled at by the crazy math teacher,I didnt pay attention in math or spanish,I spent global period trying to finish my Rennisance painting (and its still not done),Jess mentiond the Tool concert randomly in art,and Herb tryed to trip me on my way out of the bus.
Yesterday was fucking awsome.I went to my uncals house (plaural on the uncal-s).We went out to eat mexican and we went shopping (we saw a woman who looked like Okra from Jim Hensons "Dark Crystal").Then we went back to their house and me,my sis,and my dad jumped i nthe jacoozie while my other uncal looked on Ebay for a buhdah statue (he later joined us!).The day ended with a mold of my teeth (for vampire fangs) and a trip to the Italian restaurant for dinner.
In short my holiday weekend kicked...the only thing that would make it better was if there were two hot,goth guys(that were attracted to me) in the jacoozie with me and my family out of site ( could happen...sorta...).
Im goin (I'll prob pop on once and a while to write random thinggys).Adios and here is your words of wisdom:
"...That spray stuff makes me high..."

Tuesday, September 18, 2001

The most moveing pome I've read in a long time:

For the Children

Two thousand one, nine eleven
Five thousand plus arrive in heaven
As they pass through the gate,
Thousands more appear in wait

A tall bearded man,
wearing a stovepipe hat
steps forward and greets them,
Then says, “Lets chat”.

They settle down in seats of clouds
A man named Martin shouts out proud
“I have a dream!” and once he did
The Newcomer says, “Your dream still lives.”

Groups of soldiers in blue and gray
Others in khaki, and green then say
“We’re from Bull Run, Yorktown, the Maine”
The Newcomer says, “You died not in vain.”

From a man on sticks one could hear
“The only thing we have to fear…
The Newcomer says, “We know the rest,
trust us sir, we’ve passed that test.”

A man with a twang from New England shores
Then proclaimed in a voice they had all heard before
“Courage like yours does not hide in caves
You can’t bury freedom, in a grave,”

A silence fell within the mist
Somehow the Newcomer knew that this
Meant time had come for her to say
What was in the hearts of the five thousand plus that day

“In the land of the living, we wrote reports,
Watched our children play in sports
Worked our gardens, sang our songs
Went to church and clipped coupons

We smiled, we laughed,
we cried, we fought
Unlike you, great we’re not”

The tall man in the stovepipe hat
Stood and said, “don’t talk like that!
Look at your country, look and see
You died for freedom, just like me”
Then, before them all appeared a scene
Of ruined streets and twisted beams
Death, destruction, rubble and dust
And people working just ‘cause they must

Hauling ash,
lifting stones,
Knee deep in hell
But not alone

“Look! Blackman, whiteman, brownman, and yellow
Side by side helping their fellow!”
So said Martin, as he watched the scene
“Even from nightmares, can be born a dream.”

Down below three firemen raised
The colors high into ashen haze
The soldiers above had seen it before
On Iwo Jima back in ‘44

The man on sticks studied everything closely
Then shared his perceptions on what he saw mostly
“I see pain, I see tears,
I see sorrow - but I don’t see fear.”

“You left behind husbands and wives
Daughters and sons and so many lives
are suffering now because of this wrong
But look very closely. You’re not really gone.

All of those people, even those you’ve never met
All of their lives, they’ll never forget
Don’t you see what has happened?
Don’t you see what you’ve done?
You’ve brought them together, together as one.

The man named Abe stood and said
“Welcome my friends,” and from there he led,
five thousand Newcomers, all heroes to heaven
On this day of our Lord, two thousand one nine eleven.
— Paul Spreadbury, York Beach, ME,

Blargh.......some times I really doubt my artistic talents.
every one says "oh!wow your such a great artist!" to pics like this then I look at stuff like this then I get all mopey and shit.Prob is...if I stopped lookin at other ppl's work I'd be a sheltered little bloke with an ego bigger than my sis's (which is pretty fucking big).Blargh...I think I'll go look for some paper and draw...then critisize it and draw another one with the same fate as the last.Adios!^^

I just had to put this up!:


Good morning!^^
I know...Im in an extremely happpy mood today (Mustah been the chocolate cake...or the two days of no school!).last weekend was awsome.I slept over Sarah's house,we ate,walked around the block,chilled,watched monkey bone and MST2000 the movie,and threw pop corn around her basment then we slept (this is in no particular order).The next morning we went apple picking with my other friend Nina.We ran around in the giant wooden castle and the pirate ship,went to teh petting zoo,saw the horny donkey,then went to the apple orchid.We kinda got lost but we ended up wasteing most of the apples we picked by either eating,kicking or chucking them.Then we played mexican outlaws and ran across an open part of the orchid yelling (sarah tripped!!hahaha!).Then we climbed a tree and played marco pollo with some dude.Then we got yelled at by a guy on a cart thinggy and he told us to get out of tha tree.The rest of the time we were there consisted of grape eating emu's,baloon swords,grape throwing,giant eggplants and a crappy band.It was a very good do I know this?When I got home I crashed on the couch and fell asleep....then rewoke at 10pm so I could finish my hw and get ready for another fun day at school (...yey...).Well thats all for now.I must get ready for the gym (wooha!Motivation.........I think I'll take a nap....).Adios and I leave you with your words of wisdom:
"Fear the penguin...he brings bad fourtune"