Long time no post. Its been a month or more I think.
Summer has completely flew by. college is the week after next week and Im dreading/longing for it to come already.I have the majority of my necessitys packed except for most of the stuff hanging on my wall mainly because staring at them blank will make me depressed.
4 months so far and me and Dan's relatoinship has been going very well actually. I admit of being suspicious of him once and a while but I honestly don't think he's doing any thing. I'm mostly concerned with him still lying to people about things and his fear of answering a phone after he blew some one off. Trying to help him get out of that habit and I'm constantly met with anger. Eventually he'll grow out of it (I did, but at the age of 15).
Now for the run down of what happened this summer:
I got a job at Hot topic (so much better then my last job). I got a lap top (not sure if its in any previous posts), I have the pictures from prom also (the entire rest of the night was spent at jillians bowling, trying to figure out a diagonal arrow knock off of ddr, and me half awake being bothered by cramps), andrew and gemma have gone to Wales and Im watching his gunea pigs, Galler got sex (so the rumors tell), my sister got her nose job/septum fixed (now only if they can find a doctor that can deflate her giant ego), Grandfather is a lying, cheating, stubborn, rude, peice of shit and he is not taking care of my grandmother who is diving head first into vedgetable land, shit head got a puppy too that he also doesnt take care of, I understand my father more and relise that I am the female version of him, my mother is joining a gym (this will be the 2nd time since b4 she had me lol), I got a 17 inch flat screen for my mac (drool), brian is not gay?, Gemma is my soul sister, Miyoki should be put to sleep ****takes huge breath and continues*** brian spent 3k on a telescope and still asks for car rides, Emil is me and Dan's immaculate concepted son (lol), Dan is attatched to andrews hip when it comes to traveling long distances, Dan still hasn't thrown out the ring, Sex is better with multiple positions (yey karma sutra), my car hates me...still, we have a cardinal named Elvis now, I have a complete bedroom set given to me by my uncal that is residing in the basment, and last but not least 40% discount plus 30% back to school discount is very very nice indeed.
Thats about all the news thats fit to print. Here are the prom pictures (most of them are sideways because Im too lazy to fix them in photoshop):
http://dragonangeln6.tripod.com/prom5.jpg (supposedly one of my best pics...I hate how my face looks when I smile)
*prom pictures 10 and 11 will not be linked because dan think he looks *ghey* in them (I think he looks cute :P)
and thats it. Enjoy this personality test :D

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