So yea completely and utterly not wanting to go back to college (even though its awsome up ther and I gots awsome ppl there as well ^^). But yea, Im deffenetly going to miss my bed, my bf, the baby my mom babysits for (Catelin...possibly changing my view on babys in general. She makes them not look like the ugly drool laden bags of poop I once thought they were). Im gonna miss all the guys down here, the nice warm food only a few steps away, the private bathroom, a toilet that I don't need to inspect before using, being able to spend quality time with Dan in person instead of over the phone, my car, my sister and ryan, Amber sleeping next to me on the couch. The list could go on and on.
One really big thing that just poped up that really makes me want to stay here is the house. I beleive I wrote at one point that my family rents a house out on the island and that our plan in 2 years is to get the fuck out of this hell hole and go there. The thing is when I go there, I get my own "house". Its basically the garage that we're insulating, sheetrocking, flooring and adding a heating system too (along with windows, skylights, etc. When I go out on sunday I'll take a picture and then make a side pic of the idea we have for it.
All this facination really started a while ago when I went with Dan to help my parents fix up the place. Mind you, when I saw this place for the first time I was very skeptical. For almost 5-6 months my parents have been working on this place...and it shows greatly. It's on a large peice of property and it gets tons of sun. You can almost tell what time of day it is by where the sun shines on the house and where the shadows are. It seems every one was happy while we were working there. There was this lift in my parents spirits that I haven't really seen in a very long time. I think it's because they know if anything happens, this is where we can go. Also in a way this house has become a way for my parents to escape from my grandparents downstairs. It's been fixed up with good intentions, hope and possibly love. I think this is why I get such a good vibe when I'm there. Maybe its because I can invision myself happily living there, sitting on the porch of my little house watching the sunset. It's really an indescribable feeling. ^^

Ravenclaw. Logical and dedicated to learning, you
sometimes forget the smaller things in life.
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