black trenchcoats and cat shoes

She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellow'd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

Thursday, October 09, 2003

I think my friends are soon going ot be calling me the cos nazi!!O_x
I keep buggin Matt to join me on a treck to the city for cos supplies so I can work on his cos (he always has stuff to do). I keep talkin to Galler about his cos and how it will be easy as shit and remarking on how stupid his ideas are in comparison to mine (sorry Galler for being such a bitch). I think it must be the pms or something makeing me this irritable, maybe its lack of sex, all I know is it will hopefully pass (maybe after the cos's are finished).

My right eye is spazeming *twich*. I feel like the coach from Daria!! Dan is makeing sexual advances at me again, and I am once again forced to poke fun at his manly hood (ah just like the good ole days!!). Rob is in coma (or Inuasha land) and my mom is watching some old anti christ movie. I should be working on my english essay on Wicca...yea......^^*

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

"Annoying people piss me off."

Who said a college education, masters in teaching, and 4 years of actual teaching makes you smarter??!!

Monday, October 06, 2003

My legs hurt so much.
I have succesfully walked all around the fashion district 5 times and back and forth from 8th ave to 5th ave, and from 4th ave up to 14th ave 10 times.
I went fabric shopping for my lulu costume (and every one elses costume) with Mati, shorty, steve, Mati's mom and her little cousin. I baught 6 yards of dark grey vinale and I think it was a stupid mistake cause its doesn't exactly drape the right way and the back of it is white. It's not much of a loss cause I only got it for $6 a yard and I can always sell it on e-bay. Most of the stores we needed to go to were closed for the holidays (and my mom said they'd be open) so I'm going back next Sat.

Later on we hopped the E train to w 4th steet and went on a trip to Forbidden Planet. Of course, being the only one who had some what of an idea of where we were going I had to lead, but I forgot my map because my sis had skrewed up my entire grasp of time that morning (10 mins trying to wake her up cause she wanted to go to the city, I ended up leaveing her at home). So we walked around a few times, and went in a couple of circles. We decided to take a break and ended up chilling in a starbux which was coincidentally right across from a drag bar that I used ot go to w/ my uncal as a kid. We finally got correct directions and got there kind of pooped but happy. I got the 3rd ragnarok manga and the 4th Nausica Manga novel (I couldnt find the 2nd one).

Every one got home safely (Mati and Steve had to run to catch their train cause steve had to get the 6:00 and it was 5:30). Right now, my legs are in horrible pain but Im througly enjoying my manga. All in all, today was deffenetly a kick ass adventure!:D

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