hum di dum.
Im defenetly enjoying my August vaca month. ^^
Been a little busy though, trying to get things together in time for college, doing a lot of much needed clening, and still trying to get to the bank and figure out what costume to make for halloween....alll at the same time (Im surprised my head hasnt exploded). Found out I got an A- gpa this summer (3.67...I think A- is right). I also found out I got a B in jap 101! I really thought I'd get a D or something, but apparently I did better then I thought! I take my placement test this upcoming Tuesday for math (*coughmath101cough*) and I keep forgetting to check what kind of calculator I need.
I'm uber excited about Fall semester. I see all the people I met at the sci fi club, I get to eat lunch and breakfast with my love butt, and I get to see some of the gang ^^. I have a feeling that this upcoming year is going to be really good. Also Im really excited about starting interior design! I'm hoping theres enough room to possibly squeeze in jap 102 but we shall see.
Oh, crista got a new bf. Darren. Possibly one of the coolest kids I've met in a while. He seems like he's got a really good head on his shoulders and he likes video games and anime (huge plus). Deffenetly looking forward to her bringing him over,lol. Looks like I'm going to have to invest in some more anime dvds.
Oh and one more thing....
and he gives awsome foot rubs too ^^.

discover what candy you are @ quiz me