This week has been a close equivilent to hell on earth.
5 different doctors in 5 days, a severe urinary tract infection (which poped up over night), and practically punching someone out of fustration.
The whole punching some one out of fustration was because my home school is so fucking unorgansied Im surprised they can even controll the damn thing (no wait...they cant!:P). I tryed to get a f*in parkin sticker for the school lot (a little tiney peice of plastic mind you). I was told to go to the attendence office with my school Id, drivers lscence, registration and insurance. Went there and was told to go see Ralphie (the security guard). "Where is he?" I asked. The woman gave a little shrug and said "I dont know." (gotta love the orginazation). So useing my student instincts I went to the new "firemans field" where every one takes a cig break. No ralphie but I found another security guard. He told me to check the exit. Lo and behold there was Ralphie argueing with 5 kids about their scheduals. 30 mins later the kids managed to get past him and left any way.
So there I was, yellow sheet w/ parents sig in one hand, and papers etc. in the other. "No I can't do that for you I'm replaceing anotehr guy" he mumbled. "Can't you ask that other security guard over there to take over for a bit?" I asked while pointing to a guard reclineing in his vehicle 3 feet away. "No you'll have to see me in the morning" he muttered again in his heavy jamaican accent. "All you have to do is check to see if I ahve every thing and give me a peice of plastic!!" I was seriously irritated at this guys ignorence (he wouldn't even tell me who else could help me).
Angry and fustrated I looked for some one else that could help. I found chucky (guard and friend of the family) at the lunch room. He checked every thing and got my sticker in 4mins and even got me back to class scott free with the excuse of "she locked her keys in her car".
Moral of the story. My school's staff is filed with a majority of lazy bastards who can't tell there ass from their elbow.
Im gonna go to sleep and hope my bladder doesnt set fire to itself.