Woooo for christmas eve!:D
It's deffenetly been a very good time back home and what better a way to celebrate then to feast opon massive amounts of food with family and friends while watching movies and opening presents (well only a few...it is only christmas eve ^~).
This year we're negating my dad's parents. Mainly because of my grandfather. I admit it must be hard to have your wife loose her memory but when you deny the fact, and abuse her and the puppy that you absent mindedly baught all while pointing fingers at your son and daughter and law then honestly, you don't deserve to eat dinner with any one but your miserable self in the filthy shit hole you created. So far I've woken up twice in the middle of the night to him verbally abusing my grandmother. That and he called some one in and took away the cable lines. Meanwhile not only do we pay a good portion of hte bill but we pay for his ass to stay in the house. Seriously I hate when people pull shit like that, being pampered then taking advantage of the other person. People like that make the blood in my veins boil.
Other then the douche downstairs every thing is all good ^^. Now I am going to help the rents finish cleanin the house...cleaning ninja strikes with great holiday cheer....IN YOUR FACE!xD

Chimp-Look at you! Youre a chimp! Youre a funny,
goofy and sweet monkey! You enjoy
being around friends, and you have many. You are
pretty smart too.
(pictures)What Kind Of Monkey R U?
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