Long time no update ^^
It's been really busy lately. Dan came up for the week and what a week it was. :D
I admit I was a very lazy, laid back Nina that week but it was worth it. I wasn't stressed, I was uber happy, and it was all because I had my love next to me. I also did alot of thinking this week. Mostly about how happy being with Dan makes me. I litteraly woke up one morning and looked over at him sleeping and I couldn't stop smiling. I just kept thinking about how happy he makes me, how amazing I feel when he's near me.
I also started thinking about home. I always thought that the main reason I was home sick was because of Dan. He came up here and I still was home sick. It turns out I just miss Long Island in general. I miss being able to walk out my door and go get some form of food other then a burgur on a weekend at 9am. I miss being able to step outside and not have to worry about wearing shoes with traction (or which area's were freshly plowed). I miss hanging out with my family and my friends. Oddly enough I miss the lack of hills and the long island sunsets. I miss the house out in mastic beach. I miss it all. Because of this I decided I'm giving Alfred one more year. If I'm still this home sick I'm going to transfer (probably to Pratt). Also commuting would probably be alot cheaper (seeing as how my scholarship has mysteriously dissapeared off the face of the earth).
This entire next week is midterms week and Friday I hitch a ride home with Pablo's fam. I admit it is really fun hopping from each different form of transportation. It's like I'm some form of explorer with all my bags *shrugs*. I guess you can say I'm a sucker for adventure ^^. I really hope at one point in my life I end up with enough money to take a year off and travel all over. Just staying long enough in one place to see every thing. It's a very nice dream that I hope to acomplish one day.
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