Yesterday rocked!!!XD
I dressed in my normal cloths and put on a pair of angel wings...that was my coustume (being a goth does have its advantages once and a while).I went trick or treating to my friend Sarah's from my school.We hung out,scared trick or treater's and called people (..Tom,if your reading this,yes...it was me on the phone...not Sarah).Later we went to Elizabeth's where we proceeded to trick or treat.We found a door,a shaveing cream covered middle schooler,and a tuperwear popcorn bowl (which was used as a hat for the time being).Came home at 10pm, took off my coustume and fell asleep.Woke up the next morning,went to school,fell asleep in every class (cept Science...wait...oh yeah that class too).That was my wonderfulll Halloween,didnt get fucked up,got alot of candy,and I got to go tell an annoying little fat boy covered in shaveing cream to go piss off.Im signing off now.And your words of wisdome are: