Today is my last final!
then its VACA TIME!!!!xD
Feelin a little sickly today, not sure if it was from the balognia yesterday. Yesterday was incredebly weird. I went to school (as usual) and the first thing that happens is this mornon comes up to me and (like the class act he is) exclaims "Excuse me but your very hot" ( wonder he's single). I try to shake him off with the usual "I'm getting married" speil but he noticed no ring (I guess he's heard that one b4). So I just pretend Im an idiot and go to class. Yadda yadda yadda, class goes on, I leave. I go through looking for my cell phone and find a peice of paperat the top, what is it? A phone number! Ok mind you yesterday I was wearing my shittiest jeans, a tank top that doesnt fit me right and I wasnt even wearing makeup or ne thing. Maybe all those vampire dreams were right, "great temptations lay ahead of me" the dream dictionary says.....Well I'm ready mutha fuckas *slips claddagh ring onto left ring finger*.
Oh, I thought up a little comic stip yesterday that made me giggle. Me playing GTA3 (or was it 4...*shrugs). Basically that means at one point or another I grab a huge van, load it up with the followers cheat, blast spanish music, and drive it off some high point into a body of water (all whilst laughing insanely).
Looking forward to this weekend (Even if I have to work :P). Today I have to set up a bank account at washington mutual (or at least look into it). I have butt loads of laundry to do. I've been putting it off for a while and yesterday when I came home from school my parents had decided to clean the rust out of the hot water tank, this means no water. Dan and me have been planning a movie/brennan and carr night so maybe it'll be this weekend...whooo knowwws!