black trenchcoats and cat shoes

She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellow'd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

Friday, October 19, 2001

The past few days have been insane!!XD
I've become a spotlight girl for the local musical "Hello Dolly".My god is that a fun job(prob is you get the songs stuck in your head!)!!!Last night was the greatest.I knew it was going to be a long night so I baught bags of candy (mostly candy corn!!:D) and I made myslef a cup of oolong tea.Lets just say a whole sandwich bag filled w/ candy corn was gone by the end of the night!My friend Tom stold it and ran into the boys locker room (aka mens dressing room) and I followed but I relised where I was half way (no one was in there cause every one was changed) and I ran out (I did get to hear him yell "Holy Shit!!"...dont think he thought I was gonna go and do that).Unfortunetly I had to stand on a auditorium fold out chair (that kept wanting to fold in on did once though) so I took off my shoes so I could be more stable (I had platforms on).Durring break I decided to see how far you could slide on a newly swept and polished school floor....well all I can say is you can go pretty damned far!!!Well Im going to be going now.I have to make a cleavage and sarah are haveing a contest to see who can make the lowest,most cleavage showing shirt....Im gonna win ::whips out her sewing machine and a pattern::.Adios and here are your words of wisdom:
"It jiggled when you laughed!"

Monday, October 15, 2001

Yesh...I'm in a good mood today (dont spoil it).Today was perty good (the morning sucked cause I was moody).I found out my friend made a bong (Wooha!) and Phil needs to eat more...wait...I knew that already.I'm now becomeing a regular at the
Pendako Whiteboard which is an online drawing board and a chat!!!Ooooooooo!I also relised the anime fest in October is 2 weeks away (still dont have a coustume) and my mom is makeing candy apples so Im going to leave now!Here's your words of wisdom:
(gotta love that song!)