I've been thinking alot about anarchy lately...no really.I've been reading this book called "Lord of the Flys" and honestly,it really fucks w/ your mind!
One of my main beliefs is balance.First off,this book shows one guys fear about the outcome of the cold war through a bunch of kids stranded on an island(,I know it doesnt sound like much but if you can think in metaphores,it works.)
One thing that happens is that chaos takes over civilization,and it's a complete mess.Here's where I began to think.I thought "well this is obvious bacause every thing is unbalanced.".Then I began to think of what would happen if.For instance:If only a society based government could get a leader that wasnt power hungry and let the society take control.This then poised a problem because most of society (,if given a chance to,) would over throw the leader for the sake of him/her being a leader,which brings me to anarchy.
Is anarchy REALLY anarchy?I know most people out there are like "What the fuck would you know about anarchy you fucking goth?!".Well for starters yes,I love the color black and gothic music appeals to me but that doesnt mean I dont like punk or punks.I've dated many punks and find them the most freespirited people out there(not to mention the best fucking partyers the world has ever seen).
If I may ask,how many anarchists would overthrow their leader if they could?I know I would (I'm not a big fan of Bush and honestly I dont think ne one in his position should be vacationing at this kind of time).Now,how many anarchists would take over and control the government if they could over throw their leader?Some people would say yes because they think they'd be better leaders or something like that,some would say no cause damnit,its to big of a responsibility and so forth,some would be in indecision.
Those of you who said yes who are anarchists just made hypocrits of yourself.You've just decided to become something that you fight against wether you're for makeing the place more peacefull or makeing it all yours (which would make you an even bigger hypocrit because you'd be makeing a totalitarian society,which is exactly the opposite of anarchy.). All of you who said no are takeing the risk of being controlled by a complete ass hole dictator who will steal your food,house and make you live in a little box in an ally.Which wont be fun at all and will make all your hard work trying to get rid of the leader in vain.All those who are in indecision,stay in indecision for your own good. Neither of the two sides have any good outcomes.
In conclusion to my little view on anarchy I beleive that if you take it seriously and fight for it w/ a passion...your heading nowhere else but to hypocricy,or empty rewards.Yet the irony of it all is that chaos and the idea of no government is needed to balance out the ideas of civilization and restraint so...rock on anarchists!