Depressed still.
Dan's been really buddie buddie with me lately. I don't know if its because he's actually thinking about getting back with me, or he just wants sex because he knows I dont talk to patty any more, or he just feels bad for me. I don't know any more. I feel more stupid and helpless then before. Not to mention I feel ugly.
No one wants me, every one wants some one else. And the funny thing is when I say this they laugh and say "oh your pretty enough ot get another guy" or "there has to be some one out there.". Well there isnt, there fucking isnt. And even if there was I'd be messed up because I love Dan. I can't help but keep thinking, and its hurting me more. The worst part is I know that if something else happens, I wont be able to survive mentally. This is why I fear next week more then anything in the world.
Some body please help me