I have had a relevation...and it is in the form of twister:
Dansoc144 (7:47:09 PM): everything can be settled over twister
DragonAngelN6 (7:47:14 PM): lol!
DragonAngelN6 (7:47:16 PM): damn right
DragonAngelN6 (7:47:36 PM): seriously, if people played twister instead of fighting wars
DragonAngelN6 (7:47:43 PM): I think the world would be a happier place
Dansoc144 (7:48:42 PM): lol damn right
DragonAngelN6 (7:49:12 PM): *Imagines George Bush and Saddam playing twister*
DragonAngelN6 (7:49:26 PM): yep...deffenetly happier
Dansoc144 (7:49:38 PM): LOL
DragonAngelN6 (7:49:44 PM): xD
DragonAngelN6 (7:49:59 PM): and it would be a news covered event
DragonAngelN6 (7:50:11 PM): except it would be kinda like football
Dansoc144 (7:50:12 PM): televised around the world
DragonAngelN6 (7:50:34 PM): ^^
DragonAngelN6 (7:51:19 PM): and every time there'd be a war every one would sit down in front of their tv's and watch their country's leader
DragonAngelN6 (7:51:50 PM): if you think abotu it, we'd have a lot more physically fit leaders becaus they'd want to win
DragonAngelN6 (7:52:01 PM): then again....there'd probably be alot more wars
Dansoc144 (7:52:35 PM): lol tis true
DragonAngelN6 (7:53:23 PM): but who would care? As long as there were enough seats, a half time show, and dollar popcorn and no annoying commercials every one would be happy
You know its true too!