black trenchcoats and cat shoes

She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellow'd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

Friday, April 01, 2005

omg spring!

3 more weeks of foundations, 2 weeks of crits/ finals (there will only be one of each for me) then home. Hot dog day is the 15th and the weather is alot better. I can't wait to get the fuck out of here. Of course I'm gonna miss every one but hoestly, this place is not for me. Too much snow, too little people, too far from civilization (and the beach lol), and too far from my family, friends and my boyfriend.

I started looking at houses and apartment on the island for the hell of it. It's deffenetly more practical buying a house then renting an apartment. You get more for your money....especially since it's going to be alot (thank you Long Island real estate and tax prices, lol). It sucks that everything in my area and basically within an hour's distance from the city is so much money. I want to be close to the city whenever I do get my own place (especially if I have kids...I can't beleive I just said that...).

I really love Dan. Things between us are just so amazing. We fit together so well sometimes it just boggles my mind. He's like, the perfect balance of every thing all wraped up in a wonderful, sexy package. He's the one guy that I'm perfectly happy just doing nothing with lol. We could be...oh I dont know, standing in line at the DMV and I'd still have a fun time with him, lol. He sticks by me always happy when I'm in a crappy mood and vice versa. I can't wait for the summer so I can reinact my little summer fun plans for us. I'm hoping I can make his summer the best one ever...especially after I've looked up all these awsome recipies.

My lap top is fryed. Completely exploded on me a few days ago and hasn't come out of its coma. It goes to the Dell loading screen then a window with NTDETECT FAILED pops up and loops back to the dell screen...weird. I was going to send it in in May after school for the short in the screen but I guess I'll be sending it a little earlier then expected.

thats about it. Puppet show at 5pm...go puppets!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Dance the night away by karchan85
What you Look like
The MusicCountry
Quiz created with MemeGen!

this made me smile after what happened last night ^^