black trenchcoats and cat shoes

She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellow'd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


I've been thinking alot about school, the future, just life in general. I remembered the whole reason why I applied here. First was because I wanted to get as far away from Dan that I could, second was because of the huge sholarship that was promised me. Now that I'm back with Dan and the scholarship has dissapeared I just feel dissapointed. I feel bad. I don't want to be here, I never really wanted to be here but my parents are paying for me. Crista and Ryan live at home and that's a big enough strain on their wallets. I should have gone with Pratt like I originally wanted too. I know because of my grades I need to make up credits so I can transfer, possibly go to Nassau for a half a year if I need to make up more. I knew this would happen in the begining. I'm just glad I have the ability to change. I just wish I knew it would be easier.

I feel so fustrated in general. I wish I knew more people that would be able to help me and advise me on how to go about being an artist. I always relied on my mothers word because she was the one telling me what to do. Now I relise it's just the opposite. Some times I envy people who are lucky to have mentors or parents in their trade. I wish I was more sure about what to do or where to go.

Sometimes I'm afraid on how I'm going about things. Even more is I'm afraid of making my parents upset. All they've ever wanted from me is sucess. I've let them down alot of times because of my destructive behaviour. I just hope I can find a place that I can be happy in. I want to know that I am in the right place. I want to make my family happy and let them know that I'm not a failure. I hope I can be sucessfull.

Monday, March 21, 2005

weee boredom....:P

snuck out of the house
gotten lost in your city
saw a shooting star
been to any other countries besides the united states (does canada really count?)
had a serious surgery
gone out in public in your pajamas
kissed a stranger
hugged a stranger
been in a fist fight
been arrested
had alcohol
laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose
made out in an elevator
swore at your parents me-"shut the fuck up mom" mom-"bite me" lol
kicked a guy where it hurts
been in love mweee!^^
been close to love
been to a casino
been skydiving
broken a bone
skipped school
flashed someone
saw a therapist
done the splits
played spin the bottle
gotten stitches for a tiney little thing on my back lol
drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour (I'd explode...litterally...gooey milky nina every where)
bitten someone hehe...........
been to Niagara Falls
gotten the chicken pox
kissed a member of the same sex and almost threw up after lol
crashed into a friend's car
been to Japan
ridden in a taxi when I have the cash lol
shoplifted -Im hard core anti-stealing
been fired kinda?
had a crush on someone of the same sex
had feelings for someone who didnt have them back
stole something from your job pens and office supplies from the law office lol
gone on a blind date yes and no
lied to a friend
had a crush on a teacher... oooo....I can't even remeber his name but he was in the middle school I think..*scratches head*
celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
been to Europe
slept with a co-worker
been married
gotten divorced
had children
saw someone die
Been to Africa
Driven over 400 miles in one day er.....if 1 hr and 30 mins both ways is 400 miles then yes
Been to Canada
Been to Mexico
Been on a plane 2 months old does not count lol
Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show its my family's heratige lol
Thrown up in a bar
Eaten Sushi and cook it bitches...I dont need no fancy resturant!
Been snowboarding once, I could not stand up the next day
Been Skiing cross country...never downhill
Met someone in person from the internet
Been moshing at a rock show ah, I miss those days
Been to a moto cross show <-ok...what is this?
lost a child
gone to college
graduated college
done hard drugs
passed out from drinking
woken up and not know where you were
taken painkillers
had someone cheat on you
love someone or miss someone right now *sigh* mwee mwee
had a crush on someone you shouldn't lol
fucked up skool cause of a problem with weed
own a mp3 player <-too poor lol
fancy someone on your friend list
know someone who killed a man