Ooooo I love valentines day. ^^****
This one is special mainly because this is the first time I've been with the same guy to celebrate it for two years. ^^
It's a nice feeling being like this, all wrapped up in one person. Every time I think about it it just makes my heart flutter. Distance, stress, whatever obsticles in my way that life throws at me I just want him. I've even thought about it, even if my mind flickers to another man I remember how happy I am with him, how much I enjoy spending time with him, how amazing it is waking up with him, how he makes me feel when I look in his eyes. I just can't stop loving him.
I keep getting this picture of us living in the house at mastic beach. I love knowing I can be secure with him. I still cuddle up to his shirt at night (its probably why I sleep so deeply ^^*). I do admit though, I miss him more then anything in world and I'd give anything in the world to be with him. The other day I mentioned to my parents bringing him up for family weeked in april and my dad huffed and said he wasnt family. There was a second silence. Then my mom chimed in softly and said "but he's her family". She is right. He is in my family, my world, my future. He treats me right, is pacient with me (to a point), makes an effort to enjoy some of the things I like (like art gallerys and exotic foods), he make me happy when Im sad, destresses me when Im stressed, and loves me even in my worst. I can't help but try my best to do the same if not more.
The feelings I have for him are deeper then anything I've ever felt. Even if I doubt it, I look at his picture and the feeling floods me. If I could sing, if I could write music, I'd pour my heart into a melody. In every picture I make he is there. Even if it's not the greatest his memory is in there, every detail, every line, every brush stroke in every peice is like every moment he brings a smile to my face or a tear of joy to my eyes.
I love you Dan, with my entire being.
*nuzzles* Have an amazing Valentines Day sweetheart. :D
You Are Mulan!

Strong and spirited. You're no one's girly girl; actually you are a tomboy with a strong sense of self. Never let go of that! The only thing that equals your sense of self is your family, but the traditions of society can always be bent to protect something you love.