Wheee...still sleepy!O_-
Louis woke me up this mornin (prob unintentionally). He's currently getting his car inspected (and getting his oil changed and getting new fuel injecter cleaner). Goin to see leauge of extrodinary gentlemen later on today. Also Im going to the optomotrist today. Yey...;/
Hopefully she'll give me a prescription for perscription sunglasses. I just relised I was supposed to go to the fabric store and get some foam stuff for me and my friends coustumes for the BAAF (Big Apple Anime Fest). Looks like I'll havetah bump it off till tommorow....I hope Matt doesnt get mad at meh.-_-*
Yesterday was fun, tryed to go to amuck time but Lou's tire change (he had to rotate his tires) took longer than he expected. We ended up crashing at Tri County in the end. Afterwards we went to Brians house (as ususal). His sister got the cutest bird. Its called a parrotlet. Its the size of my palm and its the sweetest most adorable thing I've ever seen. Im contemplateing on getting one in the future. We watched the begining of the ring and we had to leave cause Lou had to wake up early to go for his car inspection. I best be gettin outta here cause Im gonna eat lunch and shower at lou's house. Oh check out my weather geisha (points to the left bar)!^^