Today is a new begining for me....I just switced to Mac!
I know all you critcs out there going "WTF!Mac is for n00b's. You stupid ho!" well up yours biznach! This thing is ten times faster than my windows 98. Not to mention the fact that there are hardly any viruses that effect Mac OS 9 (I think there are about 10...maybe less). The damn thing takes care of its own updateing and etc and I only have to sit back and watch that nothing goes wrong (also his thing hasnt crashed once on me and I've been doing the same crap I do with my win 98). The graphics run great and the sound is unbelevable. Now i need a flat screen and my life will be complete!:D
I need money so I can get my own web server. I'm gonna start lookin for one, but before i make a decision Im gonna ask m comp. graphics teacher which one is good. I also need good anti virus softwear. I relised my McAfee disk is win 98 compatable and not mac friendly. Also VGA grisoft isnt mac compatable. I may have to actually buy something (or pirate it offa my sis's kazaa).
I drove for the first time with my bf in his car. I may mention that he has an 86 Bronco and its clutch....and he's only driven clutch about 5 times. He stalled 5 times and rattled me around with his dad has agreed to help teach him.
My grandmothers birthday was today. I relised how ignorant my two aunts are and that they are deffenetly NOT invited to me and Lou' wedding (if we ever have one). I say this because of the nasty, horrid, bigited remarks they made about hacidic jews and that Lou's family comes from a line of highly religious hacidics. I could just imagine one of lou's uncles takeing a chair o my aunts head because of her stupid jabber about jews. To shut her up mentioned that my bf was jewish and I switched to judaism (which I havent). Both do-do's looked up in shok relising their own stupidity and began to praise jewish people (including that my bf was a very nice boy...and they havent met him).
Enough of my 2 moronic aunts. Its time for me to hit the sac and I dont want to end up dreaming of a jerry springer wedding...or my aunts loud, annoying, brooklin accent. I leave you with....this.....

What lesser-known Simpsons character are you?
Brought to you by the good folks at
(Maybe thats why I see leprechauns.....)
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