Wow, I almost forgot I had a blog!:P
Life's changed hardly. Me and Louis have been going steady for 13 months now (a year and a month for all you bad at math). I've been trying to go to art school, but I absolutely hate it. I desided t oexperiment with another art school out on teh island. It's horrible. The portfolio class I take is basically middle school level for me. The kids can hardly define lights and darks but the teacher is absolutely amazing. Jewlery class I would like to be at mor eofeten except due to me takeing so many antibiotics (had an ecoli infection) all the bacteria in my stomic are kinda dead and Im not digesting as well as I should be (in other words I got the shitz).
My scanner has conked out on me and Im seriously pissed. I have so many things to do. Updates on web pages, 3D figure rendering, and coloring in and re vamping stuff. Also KaZaA isnt workign so I cant upload music. IMesh blows up my computer every time I try to open it so thats outta the picture.
I got a job at a law office. I basically file and do odds and ends untill the actual secretary leaves. Then I answer phones and sit on my bum till 5:30. Its a barrel of fun..:P. I want to go to the jim henson studio and intern but I dont make enough money to fill my car with gas (I got a 85 toyota camry), buy a monthly round trip ticket and have subway fare.
Lous has been workin for the local schools doing janitorial work and basic construction and stuff. He just started his first classes for college. Basically his writing level is below their standards so the classes he's going to now are to improve them. I hardly see him because of my work and school. I think that he's pissed at me for missing my classes because he thinks Im missing them to spend time with him. I hope he relises that Im not.
As for my friends. Andrews car was outta commision for a while because it needed a new thermostat (not to mention its dyeing as we speak). Shorty got a job at CVS and basically has all of Andrews hours now. Brian's mom lost their car in front of the lynbrook police station, and found it in some ones drive way with and extra 40 miles on it. Dan is skrewing patty (like thats something new) and Dugan went to see a lady friend/potential ass a couple of days ago. I have yet to speak to him abotu how it went. Maureen I have begun talking to again and we were supposed to go to the mall on Sat but I forgot and she had a meeting. Hopefully this weekend I'll take her up on teh offer again! Matt's gf is off on vacation all summer and he hasnt had sex in 2 months now. I may report that his balls have turned a dark shade of blue.
It's about time for me to be heading to pearl art and a few other stores so I leave you with how mexican I am:

How MEXICAN are you?
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