I am back(actually I was back 3 days ago...oopsies!:]).Vacation was...er..interesting.I was stuck in a cabin with my friend Phil and my sis's bf Dan.These two can simply be described as "tweedil-de and tweedil-dum" "Flotsam and Jetsam" "Frick and Frack" but what best suits them is "Bevis and Butthead".These two meat-heads almost sunk my dad's kyack,broke my bike (actually Phil did),clogged the toilet ("paper towels dont go there Phil"),and basically turned our mainly peacfull vacation topsey turvey.In conclusion I had the most fun I've ever had at that campground!!!When we came home louis was rideing up my street (I practically tackled him when I got out of the van!:}).He cut his hair and shaved his beard and lost 15 pounds (he said the food at camp sucked so badly that he only ate peaches for 5 days straight).His back acted up twice at camp and his dad is finnaly takeing him to a doctor to get it checked out(thank the gods!).
Thats about it for my vacation story.Dan and my sis are fighting as usual (they have a love hate relationship),Louis and me have been makeing up for the week we've been away from each other (hehehe) and Phil is currently visiting his gf up in Conneticut (Have fun phil...*wink wink nudge nudge*).