black trenchcoats and cat shoes

She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellow'd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

Friday, April 12, 2002

Need to get out....BADLY!!!AAAaaaaaaaaaaaa!Ok that my rambling for today (If Im still awake tommorow,or tonight I'll tell ya wat happened).Chow!:]

Thursday, April 11, 2002

I took my learners permit test thinggy and..................I PASSED!!!!!XD
And 3 people before me failed it!!!!I also relised I lost 10 pounds (and I havent been to the gym in eyons).Still workin on the dude I like.All I can say is...I will get him...I always get the man I want..........most of the time!;}
I'm goin to leave cause Im in need of a nap.Your words of wisdom are:

on The Soul of James W. Dietrich, Jr!

*ends Apr-17-02 05:02:15 PDT*

Monday, April 08, 2002

school sucks
its filled with a bunch of fucking sluts
the teachers are all in it for the bucks
and if you dont beleive me your a shmuck

...yes I hate school.Oh and if your wondering why my lil poem sounds so familiar,its cause I borrowed a few lines from prophagandi's "ska sucks"'s a funny song (dont sue me please!).Ne sucks (I think I mentioned this already).I woke up this mornin and realised that I actually woke up at 5am (daylight saveings).Tom had an interestin convo w/ Cathleene,this time they werent just angry at each other...they were very angry.They should just freakin break up (being pissed at each other constantly isnt a good thing in a relationship).I wore my vintage picked skirt today w/ my witch shoes.Elias said my skirt looks like somethin out of West side story (cause it is an old 50's skirt) or some kinda fiesta skirt.I kicked him and that ended b4 it got any worse.I had a bad bus experience today.First I hoped on the wrong bus (and quickly hoped off,feeling like an ass) then I relised the bus woman missed my stop..but that was after she had already gone into the other town.She circled back to the middle school and ran over to my friends house to use the phone so I eventually did get home.Well that was my day (wooha).Your words of wisdom are:
What Flavour Are You? I taste like Menthol.I taste like Menthol.

I am refreshingly different; some people don't appreciate that. My sharp honesty gets up some people's noses, while others really enjoy it. I am something of an acquired taste. What Flavour Are You?