black trenchcoats and cat shoes

She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellow'd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I love when you think you'll get some sleep at a certain time but instead end up staying up 30 mins to an hour longer then expected.

Last night as I was watching the Halo 2 special on tech tv while saying my good nights to Dan. Suddenly, a pixelated brown chicken footed creature spewing green goo came onto the screen. "Holy crap its pathways!" I screamed, problably damaging Dan's eardrum. But yes pathways ,I found out, happend to revolutionize first person shooters and bla di bla. All I remember are those december nights up till 2am watching Dan play and laughing at the noises the headless make when you hit them. It was indeed a nice little memory. All that pixelated violence and bad sound effects made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...or was that the impending doom...*shrugs*.

Will anyone laugh when you die?
Favourite Color
You will die from a fatal wound sustained by an errant spork.
You will not even see it coming
Your obituary will read, "No memorial services will be held because no one liked that &^$$#er, anyway
Will anyone miss you? Your significan other will notice that the garbage hasn't been taken out or that no one has done the dishes. I mean, whatever.
Most importantly, will anyone laugh because you died? Of COURSE not! Your family members will be too busy spending your money to laugh.
This Quiz by opre_roma - Taken 4359 Times.
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