I cannot stand acrilics!!!!
I hate them with a firey passion. They don't look good, they dry to quickly, and their a bitch to handle in general!GAH!What makes it even worse is the fact we have to paint on paper....this is even more of a bitch. I rather paint on primed masonite or even canvas board...grr. But yea I rather shove a pineapple up my ass then paint with this shit.
In other news...Well there isn't any other news fit to print besides ben's quest for this chick. From what he's been telling me it's like pepe le pue and the cat. You think after a year and a half of crushing on her...even a few months and being blatant about it and buying shit for the person she may have gone for him. Well the simple answer is either she's an absolute moron or she has no interest in him whatsoever. His excuse was that he just told her how he felt today. Dude, you baught her flowers, neclaces, etc....DRUH! Even me, the one who blocks out all forms of flirtation, would have gotten the hint after a month. But lets see what happens (I still say all this stupidity is not worth it for one single girl who doesnt even live close, or show any interest).

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(So dan...is this true?^~)
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