-30 degrees celcius, frost bite warnings, one woman dead from being out in the cold, and my school is open.
If you haven't noticed, I didn't go. Mainly because I think its moronic to think kids (who usually never encounter this weather on a regular basis) are going to go to school. I got a call from one of my friends from Boces telling me there were 5 kids in the entire art department out of the usual 15. I guess the schools dont relise that it is colder then yesterday, and that ice has frozen over all the roads.
Besides the bitter, ass numbing weather, things have been going good. Gotten over Dan finnaly (can't beleive Patty would go out w/ him after he pulled all that shit on her...again). Doing all my Parsons stuff and waiting for my new Cooper Union hometest. Today I'm starting on my lulu cos (finaly) and once the weather clears up I'm going to go bake my sculpty. Other then that I'm waiting for the guys to either call or go online and update me on the going ons today. I'm off to go bug my mom...AWAY!xD

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