Why is the world skrewed up so much?
Like its bad enough I got college and I-con stuff to worry about, I find out Dan's cheating on me, with his x gf. I dont understand it, why didnt he just tell me he didn't want me? Why did he always say he hated her? Why did he keep lieing to me? Its like watching some one vomit: at first they look fine and then they start looking funny and in the end, you have a whole mess to clean up.
The guys went to talk to him to see whats really going on. I know for a fact he's lieing to them. If he can lie to me, if he can lie to patty, he can lie to any one. Lucky Im too chicken to try and commit suicide or this entry would prob not be here right now.
I wish I knew what I could of done to stop this. I should of learned from all my other past bf's. Im such an airhead. Christ its not like Im pretty enough to get another guy. Any other ones I know are either major stoners or show no interest in me. I guess I'm just destined not to have a bf.
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