I had a relisation today that was quite interesting.
Bjork is my artistic idol. Her music video styles, the music she sings, it is odd how it all ties in with my still evolving artistic style. Maybe this relisation is going to help me fine tune myself, I've been needing to do that for a while.
All this studio time is turning me into a thinking machine. I've got so many crazy ideas running through my head. Right now I have an idea for a costume. I could do it, I probably will durring the holidays. Thats another thing, I'm going to make up some projects for me to do, I can't get rusty for the 2nd semester. I also want to start up playing ddr again cause I want to enter the anime club's ddr competition. I know if I go up against trevor my ass is grass but hey, I'll get my grove on and at least look good while I get oblitherated, lol.

Bezier Line: nst nst nst you're a good person, this
shit is like the bomb shiznit, you're prepared
for anything, you start out as a straight line,
but using you, you can make anything come true
(even a banana is easier with you) so man,
congratulations you're so bezier...
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