I just love it when I make a doctors face go O_o.
So yea, I've been feeling like real shit these past couple of days. Yesterday it got bad. I was very aware that my tonsils had swelt up and that swallowing solid foods was extremely uncomfortable. I decided to take a look back there and loe and behold I had white spots all over my inflamed tonsils. Thats when I decided it was a very good idea to call the health center. Because every one is sick every open slot was filled so the only time I could get was 2:10pm on the 18th. I also thought this was a good time because I could go to classes and by the time art history was over I could run in. After a night of tossing and turning and pain because I could not breath out my nose so I had to breath out of my mouth (this irritated my tonsils even more) I woke up at 9am with blood shot eyes and completely in pain and said "fuck this". I rolled over and woke up with just enough time to get pants, a tee shit, and a sweatshit on and hobble out the door.
Of course the receptionist knows me after being there at least 5 times so far and told me to wait for the nurse to call me. Once I got into the office the nurse pulled me into the room and took a look in my throat. Her basic reaction was O_o. After she was done lookin in my ears and my throat and taking my temperature and my blood pressure she went off to get the doctor. The doctor came in after about 10 mins (I had passed out in the chair while waiting) and also looked at my throat and ears. She told me I had an ear infection ontop of what I had going on in my throat and told me that she wasn't going to bother giving me a swab test for stept because they treat ear infections the same way. She sent me on my way with the H bomb of antibiotics. I take 2 today (to shock whatever I have) and then take one pill for 5 days after a meal. I'm supposed to feel better tommorow so I can appologise to all my professors for not being around or giving them a warning that I wasn't going to be in class.
Oh yea......5 MORE DAYS!!!xD

What Snack Food are You?
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(circus? Mental institution? Have they been spying on me? :P)
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