*sigh* damn distance and boy friend with lack of cell phone.
I admit I really miss having a cell phone. I know there is Gemma's but some days I wish I could just pick up one and talk to the family when I'm sitting at lunch or dan when I'm in the studio. Also when people are missing and you want to call the house just incase. But yea, I'm sorry I got worried love. I just got that bad sinking feeling when Shorty and Andrew asked me, reminded me of the bad times.
On a happyer note I got my $100 check from my dad. Now I have money replacing most of the money I spent on wallmart art project supplies. I wish I could have gotten something for Dan's mother though, possibly one of those mail order cheese cakes or something like that. I admit I feel a little guilty seeing as she got me a christmas present last year and now I am empty handed come her birthday. *sigh* I must remeber that I am not money and happyness does not exist in a material posession. I guess I'll make her sushi or tempura when I get home as a belated thing.
I need help in my studying and focusing my brain. I study for two hours and i get in class and i freeze up. I dont know why, I was always good with history in high school. I guess I've made some invisible anxiety for myself *sighs*.
8 more days and I come home!xD
I'm looking forward to it yet Im not. I get to see Dan and go to my uncal's for thanksgiving but I have an essay to write and a still life to start (not sure if I have to finish it) and I can't do them this week because I need the stuff from home to do the still life, and I need to go to a museum to do the essay. I am going to try and get all of it done as fast as I can and make as much room as I can for Dan and my family. Also Ms.Nibbles has to come home. The RD found her durring a fire drill when she opened the door *sigh*. I'm gonna miss her a bunch. Yet, its only a few more weeks after thanksgiving break before I'm home again for christmas. ^~
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