I can eat solid foods again! And all the white crap on my tonsils is gone! Now if this congestion would bugger off I'd be set. Two more days and I can't sit still! Reasons why I've been playing step mania and downloading songs for step mania nonstop. I'm seriously contemplating on buyin an adapter for my pad at home so I can get some exercise...then the adapter for the tv and the stero surround sound system will come next...hehehehe.
So yea lots of work to do, typical sunday. Dishes to clean, dirty laundry to shove in my suitcase, pasta to cook, art work to finish, etc, etc. So far This has been the highlight of my morning (thanks to crista) "Why Men are Dumber Than Fruit Flys". Mind you this is written by a man so if you thought it was some femminists bashing the male community, ha!

Your like an angel. You pocess love and bring love
to any thing or person. You love being
yourself. Even though your cute or not. I think
your just awesome. Like you are peace:)
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