Thanksgiving was very interesting.
Lets just say some one fucked me over but I managed to keep my head for a good majority of the week. Thanksgiving dinner at my uncals was absolutely great. If I can get some pictures from my father/uncal I'll post them here. I left before the balderdash game to go to Dan's (wishing I could have stayed for that). Accidently wrang the wrong neighbors doorbell and Dan and his mom and her boyfriend were walking home just in time to tell me that I was at the wrong house. I have to keep in mind which house is the right one for christmas.^^
On the topic of christmas I really really can't wait for break. My dad is staying over ata a hotel and picking me up on Saturday. This is gonna be nice because I get the front bucket seat and control of the radio lol. Yes, I am indeed very pleased by the simple things in life.
I'm looking forward to setting up the tree with my family and spending new years playing ddr and D&D (hopefully) with the gang again. I never relised how much I miss sitting around just being silly and random with them. I miss Duggan playing his guitar, Brian being...well...Brian, Shorty looming, Andrew being the mediator/voice of reason, Louis being the independent oddball, Matt with his Irish/scottishness, and Dev posing as the scholar of the group. I need to figure out what to get them all this year. possibly going for the mass quantities of candy again.
I'm going to start working out again this vaca with Dan...or at least say I'm going to. Note to Dan: we need to push each other this time instead of changing our minds and watching tv or having sex lol.
As for the current on's finals week and every one is burnt out, including me after working for 3 days straight on projects. I'm going to stop myself there before I rip people apart. ^^

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