black trenchcoats and cat shoes

She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellow'd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

I wonder if this sacrifice was really worth it,

Yesterday I stormed over to Dan's w/ Lou because he typed me a message about how he thought that I cheated on him w/ Lou to try and somewhat justify what he did. This got me so enfureated that he could possibly bring another person into this that I thought it was time to confront him face to face about this because it was getting rediculous.

We had a long talk. Probably two hours of me screaming at him, crying, and then him crying and clearing more stuff up, pleading, etc etc. He was really sorry for once and I know it was a good chance he was lieing but being a taroh card reader for 8 years teaches you something very important, body and eye language. His entire posture, the fact he was freezing cold, but at one point I looked him in the eyes and he looked away. That could mean many a thing.

I decided in my head at the end I just wanted to see every one happy. Andrew was caught between two people, Patty was sad, lou and all the other guys were confused, and I was unhappy because I could of prevented this. I could of walked away at Dan's advances, I could of just lived my life single. But no, I had to ruin it for every one and go out w/ another one of my friends because I'm insecure about guys I dont know.

So the gang is together for a second time. I just need to recover from my idiotic decision makeing.


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