In somewhat of a less melencholy mood today!^^
going to go see lou at 7:30 and Im waiting for my parents to decide when to go get dinner.
I've decided I am going to be toga-fied for Halloween. It's easy and It'll be comfie!^^
Had a random quiz go round with my male friends on AIM. "Lulu from ff10. Whats the first thing that comes to mind?:".The answers were:
3.naked partly
4.weird dolly
5.boobies (2nd thought boobies)
10.FF is stupid
Still waiting for more of em to sign on. Finnaly got a day when Matt is going ot be free so we can work on his seifer cos. Probably going to go shopping at fabric mill for lou and shorty's cos or going back to the city to pick up blet buckles and some peices of pleather for the belts, lace peices for the edges and some fur for the trimming. This should be fun makeing this cos!^^

You are: The crazed evil Otaku bent on taking over
the world!!! Congradulations. You like horror &
bloody anime such as Hellsing, Witch Hunter
Robin, Blood, Vampire Hunter D, and Rurouni
Kenshin. You are usually Punk or Gothic. Now,
please don't hurt me.....
Are you a crazed evil Otaku bent on taking over the world? (Serious Anime fans only!!!) NOW WITH PICTURES!!!!!!!
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