Today was suer #1 A good fun!
I decided to take my car out for a drive to school (this is about a half an hour drive, traffic permitting). I woke up at 5:30 am took a shower and got all my portfolio stuff together for the visiting college (boston school of art was there today). I showed my dad how much my defroster's dont work and he relised that I need them fixed too. After much fussing I was off.
Ever since I got that fuel pump fixed its like a completely new car. Its fast and it doesnt make a funny rattling noise when I hit 60 mph. So being that my car is so fast now, I managed to get there in 20 mins (no Mr.Police man, I wasnt breaking the speed limit...).
After struggling with my portfolio's (each weigh 9 pounds each) I managed to hobble into the building. There were bagels and the day went pretty well (the rep of the college really liked my art work and my ability to keep a theme through different mediums).
So after all that I got to school with enough time to grab wendy's and have 10 mins before the next bell (damn Im good!xD). Regular school sucked as usual. Boreing classes, mostly boreing people, and no subs. So here I am now, writing mai blog. Found out my friend cant come to AnimeNEXT due to sudden family stuff (?) so my Sat is free. Sunday I have to stay home and see if Judith needs a help carting her stuff to a show on Sunday (Judith is a relly cool person from my really sucky job). So now sit in present tme and ponder waht tonight shalhold for me...we'll see next blog!^_~

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