yey Sept 11 *shudders*.
Im happy I didnt hear too much comotion over it, I think people just want to leave it where it is and move on, or at least thats what I want to do.
Lou's 18th b-day was yesterday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY SQUISHY!!xD). I didn't get to celebrate it with him yesterday cause his parents kidnapped him and took him to dinner (he crashed once he got home). Of course a little belated birthday celebration never hurt ne one! My sis, my mom, and me threw a little "surprize" party and we ate carvel cake ($2 coupon biznaches!xD). Saturday is the official party/block party so Im makeing him wait till then to get his present *evi laugh*!
Tommorow is Mellissa's b-day. It should be interesting since I havent been to an all girls sleepover since 6th grade. Me and my sis ran and got her a present today (thank goddess for pay checks!!!).
I've been thinkin alot about I-con lately (even though its in March). I'm wondering how well Gem will agree to let Mati and her cuz sleep over. I know she'll agree but I feel like a shmuck asking her.
I am going out for teddy bear patterns tommorow for lulu's mog doll and Im gonna head over to my grandfathers house sometime next week to help Mati make her yuna staff. The top needs to be cut out of 2 peices of thin plywood, so I can glue them together and cover them with plaster to make it look seamless. This should keep me busy for a while *happy dance*.

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