Miscomunication rocks!
Mom called me a few mins ago asking me if I could pick my sis up for guitar lessons. Told her I was on my way. I get home and see my sister sitting on the cpu and I proceed to ask why the hell she isnt ready. Turns out the lesson is at 7:30 and my mom didnt bother telling me because she thought I was on my way home from work. So here I am writing in el blog-o (aren't you a lucky person).
Been hanging out w/ Dan lately (only one around at 12 when I get out of school). Things between us have gone back to the way they used to be. Yes thats right, we're dateing again. Call me a fucking moron, you can say it to my face as well, I deserve it, but as moronic and as naieve as it sounds I know what he was going through. One good thing about being through so many relationships even though the heart ache's were a bitch is you gain experience and knowledge. I must admit, I prob shouldn't of gotten so crazy on him (after all it was quite hypocritical of me). So I'll give him his second chance. But as the rules of baseball have so wonderfully put it "three strikes your out". :P
I beleive it is time to get ready to drive my sister off to lessons. I bid you aidu.

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