This is what I got to wake up to this morning.^^
Dansoc144: i love you so much sweetie
Dansoc144: i wish i could be there when you wake up
Dansoc144: its so amazing waking up next to the woman i love, the woman i want to spend teh rest of my life with
Dansoc144: your my everything
Dansoc144: have a good day sweetie
Stuff like that just makes all the worrys of the day melt away. ^^
I leaked out what I got him for valentines day...a claddagh ring.
I decided it would mean more then just a band. It's not a regular looking one though. I's got the hands and the heart (3 of them) around the band and celtic knots (3 of them) resembling eternity. We decided we'd buy each other one and exchange them possibly after valentines day (if he can come up for his break).^^
My mom got her nose peirced!^^
I'm happy she did. She's been reluctant to do it for a while and me and my sis pushed her to grow some balls and do it, lol.
We might be goin to Puerto Rico! This is like, hugggeeee news to me. The most tropical I've ever been is Orlando Florida, lol. Not to mention I haven't been on a plane since I was 3 months old (obviously I don't remember it). I'm trying to get my parents to let Dan come, my dad say's he doesn't have a job...-_-*

Athena-Athena is the daughter of Zeus. She sprang
full grown in armour from his forehead, thus
has no mother. She is fierce and brave in
battle but, only wars to defined the state and
home from outside enemies. She is the goddess
of the city, handicrafts, and agriculture. She
invented the bridle, which permitted man to
tame horses, the trumpet, the flute, the pot,
the rake, the plow, the yoke, the ship, and the
chariot. She is the embodiment of wisdom,
reason, and purity. She was Zeus's favorite
child and was allowed to use his weapons
including his thunderbolt. Her favorite city is
Athens. Her tree is the olive. The owl is her
bird. She is a virgin goddess.
What Woman (Goddess or Mortal) of Greco-Roman Mythology are You? With 10 Pictures!
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( *giggles*)
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