this morning I woke up with such a heavy cloud of doom driftin over me.
I don't know why but I was really depressed. Then I relised I was suffering morning Dan deprivation. *sigh* I miss him alot. I've been able to stuff back all my sadness and kinda tame it but every once and a while it gets the best of me.
I'm also slowly trying to tame my jelousy. It's alot better then it was in the beginning but I do admit it's one of my more major flaws. I guess its because I'm so afraid of loosing him or some other girl trying to tempt him. I know he loves me and that he doesnt want to leave me but just imagining another girl trying to pull a move on him makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
But ne way's its off to class for me...I hope my drawing class is better then pablo described it.
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