New years eve at last!
I'm glad to say that so far I'm enjoying it alot more then last year. I've also been reflecting on alot of life lessons I've learned. This year has probably been the biggest mental growth spurt of my life. Here's a little list of the main things I've learned.
In the more bad sense of relationships: I learned that gut feelings should be listened to, playing dumb is an excelent way to find things out from people trying to pull one over on you, always have people in high places, and body language is the key to mind reading, never imediately date a guy who's unsure about his feelings for his x.
In the good sense: Love lasts through any thing and every thing if it is true, the best relationships endure the worst, love appears unexpected, the little differences are what makes a relationship strong, having similar intrests with your significant other makes finding things to do on a free night/weekend a whole lot easier, opening up your significant other to your intrestes and having them enjoy them is extremely rewarding, going to sleep and waking up next to the person you love has to be possibly the best feeling ever.
I also learned that taking a leap and trying new things (like going far away for college or even going into retail when you've been stuck in desk jobs most of your life) is rewarding and even if you are unsucessful, the lessons you learn will stick by you till the end of time.
I also learned that my judge of character has gotten better. I try to distance myself from people who constantly negative. Possibly the reason why Im happyer at college then at home. Living with some one is like getting married, only less permanent. Take a few years to really really get to know the person..I mean REALLY get to know the person. You might relise that the person you thought to be the perfect roomate turns out to be the roomate from hell. Never leave something important to be taken care of by a friend/aquaintance/what ever. "If you want something done right, you better do it yourself" can quite possibly be the best motto ever. "misery loves company" is also another one. If there is always something wrong with someone expect them to be around other people who also happen to have something wrong with them. First impressions are overrated....totally. Try second, possibly thrid impressions.
Family wise I learned that I am the most like my father, yet I have the temper of my mother and the thirst for revenge of a Mob boss. My sister is quite possibly my best friend even if we can chew each others faces off at points. My grandfather is not the nice person I thought he was and my grandmother has become less of a person then she was...mentally. The reality of both my parents growing old has sunk in and puts me in a humble mindstate. I found out my sister is probably the most misunderstood person I know, my father is the most inward thinking person I know, and my mother is the most fiery yet calm (?) person I know.
for every thing else:
-Observe the two T's when sick: Tea and tylonol(extra strength preferably)
-Wallmart should be hated and loved...maybe even worshiped
-Going from urban suburban to rural suburban isnt as bad of a change as thought to be
-Every one upstate owns some form of gun...and knows how to use it properly
-Woodchucks are like the anti christ in western New York are deer on the high ways
-Rum should be siped not guzzled
-There is nothing better then sitting on a couch with your friends while you kill your other friends with rocket launchers
-DDR is a religion...not a cult
-If you are a female gamer, and mildly attractive you will find innumerable willing bachlors to choose from
-Artists know how to fucking party
-Foundation kids are the future McGuyvers
-Never eat curried chicken from the dining hall
-Being able to shower for 30 mins without getting bitched at,without sandals on, while singing shamlessly to 80's music is by far the best thing ever
-You can never beat a home cooked meal
-Never get a hangover in a Dorm...especially if the bathroom is more then 3 steps away
-Bush is like a cow, you only see or hear of him in rural areas, when he speaks all that comes out of his mouth is one long, incoherent, noise that makes him look dumber then he already looks, city people are scared shitless of him, and alot of people would like to see him put out to pasture.
-Never go to the 3rd floor of Teft unless extremely necessary
-Never wait to do your shopping on the weekend in upstate new york
-Long Island humor/sarcasim is only understood on Long Island or in Manhatten
Thats about all the major ones I can think of for now. May your 05 be filled with joy and prosperity and may your night be filled with celebration (and wicked partys ^^).

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