I am officially convinced my job hates me.
Its not the people in it, its just the job itself. Why do I think this? I will tell you god damnit. Today a few minutes b4 the head secretary left she gave me a tape and asked to type everything that the people said exactly as they said it (basically a dictation report). I'm all down with that, I put the head phones on and type away. The first few lines were ok untill the witness began to talk. Now, I cn deal with people muttering (most of my family does), but when your a muttering Jamaican with a stutter thats a whole different fucking ball game. I sat there for an hour, prevented myself from eating the tape recorder, got three pages done, and gave up (besides, it was 30 mins past my the end of my shift).
Found out Dan broke up w/ Pati. Kinda happy for him, she was way too controling. Maybe thats the reason he dumped her *shrugs*.
My dad messed up my cooper union portfolio review days (why am I not surprised). He reschedualed it to some time this week (better not be friday of next week...just want to get the damn thing over with).
Next week is ye ole annula Boces Art student feild trip to the Metropoliton musum of art (WOOOO!). Who will get peirced this year? Who will get drunk off their ass and wander around the village screaming slurs at the homeless rastas? Who will loose their virginity....and by loose their virginity, I mean loose their virgin pale skin to a tatoo *evil laugh*. This year's trip should be a barrel of monekys...seeing the art department is equivalent to that *eats a bannana*.
Time to get ready for tommorow. What do I have for tommorow you wonder......
NOTHING!!HAHA! *dances away*

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