ok, is it just me or are these freaking Truth commercials a tad bit stupid.
I mean, yea sure bring down the tabaco companies w/e, I don't smoke ne more so I could give a flying fuck. But if your gonna point fingers at the companies why don't you point fingers at peoples stupidity as well. For instance: theres this one commercial and it's got this sad music and it shows you two girls then its got this picture of an obese woman with tubes in her nose (who died from cig smoking because somehow the tabaco companies shoved them down her throat). Ok, now any one who can read knows what cigs can do to you. Any one with half a brain in their heads knows that obesity combined with niccotine (or any other over use of a stimulant or pretty much anything other then exercise) is a formula for certain death. I'm not a parent, but if you have two young children don't you think that you should think about their future?Wouldn't you want to be there to see them grow and to help them through high school and eventually college? Almost every parent that I know that has children or is planning on having children attempts to quit or successfully quits. Why couldn't she give that extra push? It's not like the tobacco companies had a gun to her head. Yes it is true that kicking an addiction is very hard, especially when you've done it for a while but honestly. Lots of people have quit, you are no special case. Then again from the way she looks, I doubt she could hold herself away from the doughnuts either.
What am I trying to get at? Truth commercials are almost as bad as George Bush and the war on terrorisim. We must kill the bad guy, the bad guy is the problem with the world, tabaco companies are the reason why your aunt/mom/cousin/grandma/etc died. You know what, fine. Get rid of the companies, the designated smoking spots, the "evil". It will just end up like pot. Then its the evil dealers. When will people relise that its themselfs that are the evil? Probably never. I know for a fact that I have a hard time admitting that I ,myself, am wrong. It is probably impossible for a politician or radical because then every one, and themselfs would relise they were hypocritical and thus their careers would be over.
Just goes to show you what a messed up world we live in.
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