Hello.todays news falsh is:Im sick!!:D
I got a stuffed up nose and I feel as if I was beaten all night (...no not in the sadistic sexual type of beatings...more like beaten with a bat across my back by a dude trying to steal my money beatings).Im completely over worked and high strung from all the stuff Im doing at once (and all the interviews I have comeing up) so I've practically gotten no sleep for the past few days.I cant wait for vacation (rest,relaxation,and PARTY'S!!!:D).
Im thinkin about Shojo con and the coustume I'm gona make (I think I'll do a gothic gargoyle type of thing I've been thinkin about).I might start workin on the wing armature over spring break,then again,I might be going to the city every day so I'll see whats goin on.Need to go work on my projects (fun,fun,fun).Your daily quiz of today is:

All ducks aren't sweet and innocent and you prove that. You have a nasty streak.
Find your inner rubber ducky.
(Hey...It matches my page colors!!!:D)
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