I love my nightmare b4 christmas shirt!!I do I do I doooo ooooooo!
Today was fun!I found out I have a secret admireer (,"A what?holy shit...is that a desease or something?!!",), had to mooch ciggarettes offa my friend Tom (,I owe you 3 camels and 2 pens..If you ask for my soul,saitan has it).
Ate ice cream for lunch in 20 degree weather...made evrey one else colder by eating it in front of them(,I am evil...oh yes I am.).Found out that some one supposingly painted a gigantic picture of a "rose" but it sure as hell dont look like no rose.It honestly looks more like a vagina and Im not alone on this (alot of people have been talkin about the giant clit pic).
I actually went to art club on time...only thing was...there were only 3 people there (Prez,vice prez and secretary!)!!So we tryed to work on the mural (we're makeing a dedication mural to all those who've died in 9/11) but we couldnt find the reference pictures so we worked on what we could and left.
My sister smashed what was my art proj cover.She now has cut marks up and down her arm from the galss and she's learned a valubal lesson...never drop and rofl in my room ESPECIALLY near my art tabel...better yet never drop and rofl cause of dirty cloths and sharpies/pencils.Good thing about this whole dillema is now I have a really good reason why Im re-doing my cover.I can just imagine it:
Me-"Hi Mr.K!Im redoing my art proj because my sister was laughing so hard about wearing a thong on her head that she decided to fall onto the floor and accidentally fell on my projec.Now she has glass in her arm and she "cant feel her pinky".You understand,right?"
Mr.K-"...You fail....forever..."
Im going to leave and try and fix up my web page.Today I leave you with my results of my Nightmare b4 Christmas personality test (see the movie.....many many times untill you can sing the words in French!!!XD):

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