Oh and I've come to the conclusion that my parents are sick,nosey fuckers....took me long enough to figure that out...
Thursday, November 29, 2001
About Me
- Name: Jingles
- Location: South Hemp., New York, United States
I'm an artist with a short term memory who trys to keep her hold (and sanity) in the swirling vortex of life

Previous Posts
- Parents are makein me break up w/ the pine apple h...
- Dont ask!!:]
- Ok I made a decision...Im stickin w/ the dude that...
- Hello,my life is a complicated web of emotions...a...
- Heelo!Sorry for not posting in ages,blogger has be...
- HAPPY AFTER HALLOWEEN!-_-* Yesterday rocked!!!XD I...
- HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVE!!:D I got to see my friend Chr...
- HALLOWEEN IS THIS WEDNESDAY!!XD ...and I still don...
- Good evening ::is brushing her hair:: today has be...
- ::hop::Allo!^^ The past few days have been insane!...
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