Ello!Im back from a breif infactuation with "The SIms" (and also shit loads of hw).These few weeks have rocked.My uncal's got a jackrussle puppy that they names Gertrude (Gerti for short).my uncal let me borrow his CD of Clive Barkers undying (and it works!!!:D).Also I got my Sims CD to work(now I need house party extension and I'll be happy!!).I've been haveing this occuring dream that I slowed down time and stopped the trade centers from falling...I guess thats teh only place I'll be able to make every thing back to normal.
Today was awsome.At gym a few guys I know decided to walk the track w/ me and another dude I know. Unfortunetly my gym coths consist of a pair of baggy blue sweat pants and a XL Green Day T-shirt that reaches my knees.There was much kidding about how "lovely" I looked and I threatend to kick ppl (twas a normal first few mins).Every one started deciding who was going to get what part of my hair (I dont think they know Im not giving it up....untill they pry it from my cold dead scalp!!).Unfortunetly later on durring health we had to listen to a suicide tape from a kid who was a acid addict (it gave me chills listening to it...I still cant get it out of my mind).Later on I went to the gym and my trainer wasnt there.It turns out I was supposed ot be there at 5:30!!!!!!!!Well it turns out my trainer was on her way to the gym ne way and I got a good half an hour of cardio in so it was all good!^-^
Im going to sign off fer now but in the mean time,your words of wisdom:
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