Hello!OK...amazingly I havent written in the blog in 3 days so I'll start w/ Sunday:
Sunday I got a surprise b-day party (,thank you Mo!!!,).This is the accumulation of what I got:
-scooby snacks (which is my breakfast right now)
-Guiness world records 2002 (they have a dog stuffed in a jar in it!!!O_o)
-a teddy bear (my dog wants to eat it)
-incents and a seduction candle (ehhehe...seduction....)
-a jumbo sized card deck w/ shot recipies on each card (wow...I never knew some one would ever name a drink Gorilla Puke)
-a zippo that says "stoned again" (I need this after I gave phil my other lighter)
-a bag w/ money in it (its perty and it has 2 zipper compartments!!!)
-money (yey!!!!)
-a checkered prink jacket (this is the one I've wanted for a while now!!)
-a finger armor ring (phil got his finger stuck in it and we had to put oil on his finger and shove it in a glass of ice b4 we could get it off!!!)
thats aboot it,if I cant remeber ne thing else its because Im suffering from cigarette withdrawel.
So later that night we went to the brew (me,Sarah,Phil and Tom....I dont know what happened to every one else).We switced cloths,diturbed other people w/ the amazing fart sludge,killed nazgoul,and tryed to comfort Sarah (long story).Jared and Phil kept talking about mohawks,leather jackets and bands,Tom went to try and comfort Sarah, and I was either w/ Jared, Phil, or in a large group of people singing or grubbing ciggaretts from Antonio.And what did I get out of this?I got asked if some dude could play checkers on my back,a free cheese cake,Jared,2 trips to the bathroom (cause I had too much tea),a convo w/ another girl about how long our hair was, but I did not get waisted or loose my virginity (DAMIT!!).
The next day was usual,I was tired,I went to the store,and I suffered severe grouchi-ness from not haveing any cigaretts.Well Im leaving now (I need to get dressed and find a way to get out of my house) your words of wisdom are:
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