I know I'm going to jinx this but, things are actually really good right now.
Me and Dan are back together for the time being. He says he wants this to last for real this time, Im giving him a month to prove this. I hope I made it clear to him exactly how I feel and how some things don't seem right. He's been working on every thing and he did get a job so I guess there is still hope. I still am a little jittery from the last ordeal. No matter what though, I still can't not love him. I mean even if I do get pissed at him I have to sit by him and give him my advice and walk him through it and show him. I think his big problem is trust and overall communication. Judging from the way he was raised I can understand why. Then again, almost the entire populous has a communication problem.
My pc is fryed and its in the shop, but Im getting a dell laptop in 5 days :D. Boces grad is on the 2nd, 4th is the end of classes and the 25th is graduation from South Side. I Completely don't feel like Im graduateing. I keep thinking I'm going to go back this September. The actual reality is going to hit me hard when Im loading the car up and heading out to Alfred.
On the subject of car's something is up with my starter. I don't know what but I need it fixed....but I have no money. So I need to get my car fixed, my pc fixed and Im getting a lap top and the pc didnt need to be fixed now (which was why I told my dad not to bring it but he did ne ways) because of the lap top, and now Im reluctant to bring my car in because its going to probably cost alot.
Money as well is something tareing apart my family. My parents are dealing with my grandfather and teh fact he swindeled our family out of thousands of dollars in "raised taxes" (and pocketing the extra sum). This is turn makes me extremely angry at my grandfather (I havent spoken to him in 4 weeks) and extremely reluctant to bring my car in or do any thing for that matter involving money. I really wish I could get a better job. I really want something tied into my art but thats near impossible for me. I don't know where to go for guidance. My mom wants me to just get any old job, my dad wants me to go get an apprentice job with a weirdo that tried to date me. Basically he means get buddie buddie w/ the guy again into getting an intern job......I can't do stuff like that. My parents always try to get me to act like my sister by useing feminin charm. I have none. And I find useing the little bit that I own to get something repulsive.
I've been playing Ragnarok Online again. Suffering from withdrawel because of the death of my pc, lol. Dan got gm and is deffenetly testing out his new powers to the max (lol, 1,000 yoyo's). Shorty is an alchemst now and has mines.........lets just say he likes blowing things up....a little too much. I've been hogging Dan's cpu as much as I can so I can get in some moderating of the server. Can't wait to get back on and kill some n00bs (Oh, I'll post the 1000 yoyo pic as soon as dan sends it to me).
Thats about all the news thats fit to print. Prom dress is done, room is clean, crista may be in a movie. Time to seek some sleep. night holla.
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